Dr. Lisa Walker


Dr. Lisa Walker is a Psychologist and Leadership Development Expert. She is an ICF Master Certified Coach, and a Columbia University Certified Executive Coach, working with leaders and teams across industries. She served on the faculty at the University of Texas at Austin, in the Department of Human Development, and currently serves as a mentor at the IC2 Institute at the University of Texas at Austin.

>> Click on the image to see her website

>> Click on the image to see her website

She is also an advanced level Mediator and Facilitator, helping leaders navigate crucial conversations.
Dr. Walker has worked on large-scale leadership initiatives for clients in over 30 countries. She has a knack for coaching executives to achieve positive, measurable change in their leadership behaviors while delivering on business results and nurturing and growing their people. As a result, she has an impressive record for successfully coaching emerging leaders to C-Suite executives to face any challenge and soar. Lisa brings a similar approach to coaching teams to becoming well-oiled machines.

A few of the organizations served include Dell, Amazon, Target, GSK, VMWare, Collier, Vista Equity Partners, Freescale, Stratum Capital, RSA, Conoco Phillips, NI, and IBM.

When not working, she enjoys gardening, cooking, traveling, the outdoors, and extreme hiking. One of her most epic hiking adventures led her to Mount Kilimanjaro's summit, one of the world's tallest mountains.

Her book, Leading Beyond Your Limits: Critical Leadership Tools for Resilience & Innovation in the Era of Relentless Change, will be published later this year.

We’ve invited Dr. Walker to join Lemon Rebellion as a keynote speaker because of incredible personal resilience and dedication to developing tools and resources to help others become more resilient and innovate more, a skill in ever-growing demand.

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Listen to this interview to hear Dr. Walker share how a terrifying experience climbing up Mt Kilamanjaro taught her about resilience, and moved her to become the coach she is now.

Join us at the upcoming virtual summit to interact live with Dr. Walker as inspires and motivates you to live beyond your limits and without excuse.