Julia Seal


Julia Seal is the creator of the “Happiness-Matters in Midlife” Podcast & is an ICF (PCC) certified coach, with a multi-disciplinary approach underpinned by Integral, Relationships Systems, Leadership & Life Coaching as well as Neuroscience, Meditation, Philosophy & the Science of Happiness.

Happiness-Matters is all about putting our Wholebeing Happiness as the top priority in Midlife, crafting what happiness means to us at the deepest level, coaching to move beyond our current struggles & evolving ourselves towards a deep soulful connection to our lives.

>> Click the image to see her website

>> Click the image to see her website

Julia has been coaching professional women since 2009 & is a Professional Certified Coach, accredited by the International Coach Federation. Her coaching draws on a multi-disciplinary approach, underpinned by Integral, Relationships Systems, Leadership & Life coaching as well as Neuroscience & Meditation.

How change/adversity is your best opportunity to stop, take stock of your life journey so far & decide how you want to step forward – it’s nothing less than an opportunity to evolve yourself!

Moving into a life of Wholebeing Happiness that you have purposefully & intentionally crafted, requires you to step forwards with courage.

Wholebeing Happiness is the way – how you can leave behind the endless treadmill of hedonistic happiness & create something new, something entirely your own with all the ingredients of unhappiness, sadness, discontent, pain as well as peace, calm, joy... how you go from puzzled & in pain to resilient, creative & thriving – no matter what!

  • What do you mean by adversity as an opportunity to “evolve” ourselves?

  • How can Discomfort, Unhappiness evolve us?

  • How can Joy, Happiness evolve us?

  • What is Wholebeing Happiness?

  • How do we create Wholebeing Happiness?

  • What do jigsaw puzzles have to do with Wholebeing Happiness?

We’ve invited Julia to join Lemon Rebellion and lead a talk on Wholebeing Happiness because we are committed featuring the best female life coaches qualified to guide participants towards their next level through interactive sessions helping them experience an insight, gain a resource, or receive coaching  to move forward in their journey to transforming change and adversity into opportunity and growth.

>> Click Here to See the Complete Presenters Directory

Listen to this interview to hear Julia share what Wholebeing Happiness means to her, and how it can help you live in more appreciation for life and more joy.

Join us at the upcoming virtual summit to interact live with Julia as she coaches you through practical steps you can take to become more resilient, creative & thriving.