Lemon Rebellion

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Maya Zack

Maya Zack is a mindset coach, hypnotherapist & peak-performance specialist for women. She integrates the Sedona Method™, as well as hypnotic tools into her practice.

So while the method directly targets your emotions, hypnosis works with your subconscious thinking processes.

>> Click the image to see her website

As a result, together they’ll give you a very unique & powerful formula for subconcsious change – the only change that really lasts.

Based in the UK, she works internationally, helping women let go of fears, limiting stories or beliefs standing in their way, and get the needed confidence, clarity & focus to achieve their goals.

She uses a unique combination of tools to create change on the deepest, subconscious level so that new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving quickly become automatic and effortless. She is trained as a MSc in clinical hypnosis, Sedona Method™ coaching levels 1 and 2, Rapid Success Coach™ certified (Christian Mickelsen).

Her business mission is to contribute to a future world where women are freer - personally, professionally, creatively and financially.

We’ve invited Maya to join Lemon Rebellion and lead a session on deprogramming limiting beliefs because we are committed featuring the best female life coaches qualified to guide participants towards their next level through interactive sessions helping them experience an insight, gain a resource, or receive coaching  to move forward in their journey to transforming change and adversity into opportunity and growth.

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