Rebecca Hanscombe


Rebecca Hanscombe Director & Lead trainer at the The School of Ecstatic Movement which trains facilitators in the methods of Ecstatic Awakening Dance. Faculty Member of The Sacred Trust and UK Director of Acadamy of Systemic and Relationship Coaching where she trains facilitators in Systemic Relationships and Family Constellations.

She is also a member of faculty and professional Shamanic Practitioner at the Sacred Trust a world renowned Shamanic School in the UK.

>> Click on the image to see her website

>> Click on the image to see her website

She has over twenty five years experience as a teacher & facilitator of group process which includes having introduced dance/movement therapy to inmates within Holloway closed category prison, a pioneering role with which she was involved for over a decade.

Rebecca carries a profound understanding of what it is to enter into and then navigate transformational experiences and how to traverse these epiphanous states. Through her deep connection and trust in the body-based energetic practices, she has been inspired & guided to develop trainings and workshops for an international audience online and in person through her own School.

She is also the mother of a strong and subversive 14 year-old daughter and lives along with her Husband, Feral cat, and happy/crazy hound in the beautiful lush green wild Wye Valley of South Wales.

We’ve invited Rebecca to Lemon Rebellion to lead you an ecstatic dance session because we believe that it’s important to create time and space within the event to slow down, allow participants to come back into their bodies so that any shifts in thinking, feeling or being throughout the sessions can be integrated gently and naturally. 

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