Lemon Rebellion

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Ber-Henda Williams

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Ber-Henda is a Visionary + Empath Coach. She supports empathic creative visionary empaths to find their voice, embrace feminine power, and create mission-based businesses in service of social transformation, justice and equity.

When she is not doing that, she runs a girl’s leadership program, The Power of Girlhood for girls 8-18.

Además, ella es una poeta bilingüe. She is a bilingual poet. She is trained in Certificate of Care and Compassion training, Dale Carnegie Public Speaker Training, and Toast Masters.

She believes feminine empaths are here to disrupt the patriarchy and oppression with their mission-based businesses.

We’ve invited Ber-Henda to join Lemon Rebellion and lead a talk the often missed power of empaths because we are committed featuring the best female life coaches qualified to guide participants towards their next level through interactive sessions helping them experience an insight, gain a resource, or receive coaching  to move forward in their journey to transforming change and adversity into opportunity and growth.

>> Click Here to See the Complete Presenters Directory

Listen to this interview to hear Ber-Henda share how she believes that empaths, or highly sensitive women, are the leaders our world needs for the future.

Join us at the upcoming virtual summit to interact live with Ber-Henda as she guides you through an experience to understand your gifts as an empath and how to use them for a more purposeful and meaningful life.